Sak Yant Tattoo Designs with descriptions of Traditional Thai Tattoos
Page 1 Designs
Sak Yant Masters undergo years of studying to learn the Kata language and the meaning of the designs. Knowledge is necessary to fully understand the meanings and intricacies of Sak Yant tattoos.

Sak Yant Tattoo Designs: also known as Sak Yant or Yantra tattoos, and hold a rich cultural and spiritual significance, deeply rooted in Thai history and belief systems. These tattoos are not merely ornamental; but with symbolism, tradition, and magical properties believed to offer protection, good luck, and various other blessings to the wearer.
Sak Yant Tradition: The term “Sak Yant” translates to “Hand Poke Chanting tattoo” in Thai. These tattoos are done by Ajarns (master, teacher, tattooists) who have undergone specific rituals and training. The process involves chanting prayers and Thai tattoo designs with spiritual power.
Arm Band Sak Yant Tattoo Designs

An authentic Sak Yant tattoo uses a basic design as a template, which the Sak Yant Master then customizes by altering the chants/spell kata script. Some sites say that it is matched to the individual’s specific wishes and desires. But in reality the chants are related to the design. The chants do not say anything, its sounds, magical sounds, a chant. Our chants are authentic to the Sak Yant master and cannot be replicated by a tattoo artist who lacks the ability to read and modify the magical script. To ensure the desired outcome, Authentic, trained masters like ours. Understanding the tattoo meaning can be difficult. We will translate as good as we can, with the help of our masters.
You should do your home work on the masters before getting a Yant from them, as 80% just copy, and they don’t know what they are copying, which can mean nothing as the original master will not show there chants correct in books or the internet. But obviously they can copy from pictures of Sak Yant done on clients.
Bear Sak Yant Tattoo Designs
Symbolises protection, strength, power and to be invincible.
The Yant Payamee represents a bear and grants both protection and power to the wearer along with invincibility and strength.
The powerful virtues of Buddha are believed to imbued in this design and will help to give strength to those who wear it. Thus, it will motivate them to push forward and avoid any types of obstacles hindering them on their path of life.
Payamee Bear Yant

Spiritual Protection and Blessings: Thai tattoo designs are deeply intertwined with beliefs in spiritual protection and karma. It’s believed that the magical properties of Sak Yant can ward off evil spirits, provide guidance, enhance physical abilities, and even bring good fortune to the wearer.
Modern Influence: While Sak Yant tattoos have deep traditional roots, they’ve gained popularity beyond Thailand in recent years, partly due to celebrities and travelers getting inked with these designs. However, it’s essential to approach Sak Yant tattoos with respect for their cultural and spiritual significance.
Ethical Considerations: For those interested in getting a Sak Yant tattoo, it’s crucial to seek out reputable practitioners who understand the cultural context and perform the rituals with integrity. Additionally, understanding and respecting the significance of the tattoo design chosen is essential to honor the tradition and its spiritual implications.
Sak Yant Tattoo Meaning
There are lots of designs with attached meanings and we will do the most popular ones on this page. We have other pages which will show many designs and also groups they are in. First we will start with, only Sak Yant Masters can do Yantras, monks are not allowed to do them anymore. Sak means to tap with a stick, hand poke. Yant is a chant, sounds, while the master is chanting he is thinking about what is to be put in the chant. The chant will go around and around as he ads the magic into it. It can take a long time, so they only do this one time. This is white magic. When the master welcomes you, he can do the a offering blessing before you get the tattoo or after the the Sak Yant tattoo is done. First blessing you get is for offerings you present to the Sak Yant master. The next yantra is to activate the design, so they don’t have to spend a long time re doing the design. The third and last blessing is a person blessing from the master to you.
Images include a number of very old designs and we will repair them over time. The Ajarn Masters just use them for outline and then they do free hand and their own Yants. At this temple, they are true masters and make the tattoo better.
Bird Sak Yant Tattoo Designs
Sak Yant Tattoo, Hong Ku Golden Swan Yant

Sak Yant Tattoo, Hong Ku is a mythical bird, similar to a peacock or perhaps a swan. It is common among Yant designs and this Yant represents a previous incarnation of the Lord Buddha. The bearer of this Yant is said to possess great oratory skills and can convince people easily. It also represents good fortune and is very popular as a cloth Yant seen hanging in shops.

Twin Birds Yant, Salika Koo Thai Tattoo
This Yant is of the Maha Saneh variety and is known to increase attractiveness which is useful, especially in romantic encounters. It is also said to be effective in job interviews, press conferences or important meetings.
This Yant will assist if the bearer speaks the truth and with sincerity, so it can be useful to people involved in sales and various others who rely on the power of speech.

Phaya Kai Phea Pheasant Bird Nok Thai Tattoo Designs ID No 36
Sak Yant Tattoo, Kai Fa (Pheasant) is believed as one of the most beautiful creatures so Yant Phaya Kai Fa is believed to support wearers to have perfect love and beauty.
Suitable for those who want to be lucky in love and happy in play.

Sarika Koo Yant / Twin love birds facing each other. ID No 42

Sak Yant Tattoo, Yant Sariga Koo is for people who want better popularity and charm. You will be able to charm people and get along with them easily. It will also bring good luck and success. But not to abuse or hurt others with that power. Also provides charm, good luck, success, and attractiveness.
The Sarika Koo Yant will help you to increase the power of speaking in all situations.
It is also believed to increase one’s attractiveness, which is useful and especially in romantic encounters.
It can also assist those in sales positions and others who rely on the power of speech for their livelihood.

There are so many designs to choose from and the most popular, because of there meanings and beauty of the designs are Hah Taew 5 lines and Chad Petch diamond net 5 lines, Gao Yord 9 spires, Pead Tidt 8 directions, single and twin Tigers, Unalomes etc. We have done tens of thousands of Sak Yant Designs on people. We have been doings this for many of years. Our masters have done around 80 years in total between them. They are true masters and I will also say, Sak Yant tattoos have to be by Sak Yant Thai tattoo masters, known as Ajarns. Some sites show monks and imply monks do them. But that is not true, Monks would do them in the past, but as Sak Yant masters and still wear there orange outfits. They should have not done that. True Ajarns wear white outfits, not orange or brown. It has been decided that monks cannot do them anymore. They have to be a monk or a Sak Yant master, not both.
So how do you decide which design you want? Well that is a decision you have to do. Do you want the meaning of a design or do you want the beauty and the meaning. If you chose a design and it does not have the meaning you want, you can ask the translator, assistant to ask the Ajarn master to include your wishers in his blessing/chant. When they do the blessing which is a chant of magical sounds, he will add that in it. This is how it done in the first place. A true master can add anything to the design, no mater what it is. He will do a chant to do that. And when he is doing the chant in his mind he will whish that for you.
Twin Sarika Love Birds Nok Thai Tattoo Sak Yant Design

Sak Yant Designs and Meanings
Only Sak Yant Masters can design a Sak Yant Thai tattoo. Monks did not do Yant’s and blessings. When a monk did a Sak Yant tattoos and blessings, He would do it as a Sak Yant Master, not a monk. They would still wear the orange robe and people would believe monks do it. Monks are not allowed to do them in Thailand. They have been told they have to become a full time Sak Yant master and wear white robes or stay as a monk, not both. Below is some examples of designs that are available.

Sarika Love Birds Nok Thai Tattoo Sak Yant Design

Sarika Love Birds Nok Thai Tattoo Sak Yant Design

Single Bird Yants

Cockerel Rooster Bird Sak Yant Tattoo

Mythical Birds

Boar Sak Yant Tattoo Designs
Yant Moo Thong Deang
Thai Tattoo Designs: The words Moo Thong Deang Yant translates in English to “Copper Pig or Wild Boar.”
This Yant symbolises both invaluable strength and will increase the bravery of the person wearing it.
It can also grant enhanced invulnerability and protection from all types of harm and danger.

Buddha Sak Yant Tattoo Designs

Maha Oot Buddha Yant
This Yant is most popular with Young Thai men as legend says it renders the bearer immortal as they cannot be killed with weapons. That is not true, but if going to war in the old days, it made them feel better. Many servicemen, soldiers and sailors like to have this yant for protection.
Sak Yant Tattoo, Maha Oot Yant protects the bearer against illnesses, diseases, and danger. It is often seen on cloth (Pha Yant) inside the threshold of a house.

Onk or Ongk Pra Buddha Thai Sak Yant Tattoo
Onk Pra: This Yant represents The Buddha Himself – The Half Moon Symbol which is above Onk Pra symbolizes the Moon illuminating the way during the hours of Darkness.

Pho Ngang Maha Sane Buddha Thai Sak Yant Tattoo

Buddha Circular / Round Thai Sak Yant Tattoo

Some more Buddha Sak Yant Tattoo Designs