Thai Amulets for every day

History of Thailand Sak Yant Thai Tattoos

Thai Amulets for every day. Reading these descriptions and examples of white magic will help in a better understanding of Sank Yant Magical art of sacred designs and amulets, etc

Thai Amulets for every day

Thai Amulets for every day. People worldwide have been using amulets and good luck charms for thousands of years to help them with the difficulty of everyday life. Normal people feel they need a little help with many different things, such as health, protection, good luck, wealth, love, and relationships. Not necessarily in that order as our needs vary all the time and we all have very different lives.

Wearing an amulet is easy. You can wear it around your neck, your waist, or your wrist. You can hide it under your clothes if you do not want to bring attention to it or let your boss see it and ask difficult questions.

Many amulets come encased in a case in order to protect them, particularly the ones that are easily damaged, such as the ones made of compounds of powders and herbs.
Why not treat yourself or a loved one to a powerful amulet to keep them safe when they are out on their travels, or to restore health to an aging parent?

They make lovely gifts. Some people, very wisely, are seeing them as a better investment than keeping their money in dodgy banks. These days it makes sense to invest in something that will increase in value in the future. If it brings you good luck or blessings in the meantime, how can you go wrong?

If you don’t want to wear one on a chain, why not consider buying one in the form of a ring? Perfect for wearing in plain sight, and just think how many times you point or move your fingers, sending out the call for blessings and protection throughout each day.


Thai Amulets for every day. I received my first amulet as a gift from Master Ohr when Bangkok-ink took me for my first Sak yant traditional bamboo tattoo. I had the design called the Gao Yord tattooed across my upper back and after Master Ohr blessed the Sak yant he gave me an amulet with the Gao Yord across the back and his photograph and yant (sacred symbols) on the front of it. I bought a chain and it hung around my neck for safekeeping while I was traveling.

On the journey home I was on the final short flight of my long journey. The weather was lovely when we set off from Athens, but shortly into the flight, the turbulence became so bad that the cabin crew had to abandon the drinks trolley and stay strapped in their seats. Considering it was a big airbus the plane was being blown all over by the high winds.

We began our descent and I think we were all relieved to be coming into land. The landing gear went down and we touched the runway, but then shot back into the air in what felt like a vertical take-off. The pilot had decided it was too dangerous to land with hail on the runway! We were pinned back in our seats, ears crackling with the sudden pressure and in my case praying that we would miss both the town below us and the mountains in front of us.

I found myself clutching the amulet for comfort and begging for us to be safe.  The turbulence stopped, we landed safely back in Athens and were taken to a five-star hotel to spend the night getting over our ordeal, with everything paid for by the flight company. From now on that amulet is going with me whenever and wherever I go traveling!


Thai Amulets for every day. It was the day following having my Sak yant sacred tattoo done on my back. Since I had no soreness from it and the fact it was already healing, my friend decided to take me out for the day in her car. We went to a temple by the river that I had never visited before.

 As we pulled into the car park, I thought I saw a monkey look quickly through the window, and on asking she laughed and said ”no monkeys” but you can feed the fish later. We got out of the car and she went in front of me to get some lotus flowers to offer to the Buddha. She was about fifteen steps in front of me. Suddenly a huge monkey was hurtling towards me and I came face to face with it as it stopped. I froze, wondering what to do if it launched itself at me or bit me. But it just sat there staring me in the face and I stared back. I could not cry for help, or shout at my friend or anything and other people at the temple had stopped to look at me.

 My friend eventually missed me and turned around to see where I was. As she turned the huge monkey laughed and I could see he looked like the Hanuman sacred spirit monkey, not a normal one. He laughed and turned into a dog as he ran past me! I swear, I watched it morph from the Hanuman into a dog. I could not explain anything to my friend as I just stood there in total shock at what I had seen. I also assumed she thought I was crazy enough just standing there without telling her I had seen a spirit monkey that morphed into a dog in front of me.

 I later read that the Hanuman has a reputation as a shapeshifter, something that can morph from one thing into another, and that he usually appears to those who need more fun and laughter back in their life. Well, it certainly worked for me. I can laugh about it now when I remember, but at the time it gave me a hell of a shock to see him.


Thai Amulets for every day. Things were in a real mess for me and I could see no logical way out of that mess, which was not of my making. I was struggling with legal paperwork at the bank and I had no idea how to solve the problem. Then I read that if you have a Sak yant tattoo or an amulet from a Master, you can pray to that Master for help and protection. I needed both in this situation, which had been going on for months with no resolution in sight. I asked for his help that night and offered incense to his picture and the amulet.

That night I had a very realistic dream that he was standing looking into my eyes in a room and that he was conveying something to me that did not need words. He then smiled and walked away. When I woke I remembered the dream and how real it had seemed. I felt totally different about everything, calm and optimistic when only two days earlier I had been crying in frustration at the situation.

I went to the bank both calm and confident. I told the bank manager what my new plans were and despite his shock at the change in me, he did the paperwork in minutes that they had previously refused to do for me. Ask nicely and you just might receive the help that you need.


Thai Amulets for every day. When I visited Master Ohr for my second Sak Yant tattoo, I made a donation to his charity and received a yant cloth (a sacred cloth with magical symbols and images on it ) and a silver ring with symbols engraved on it. I put it on as I did not wish to lose it.

Some weeks later, I was driving in heavy rain when someone cut in front of me in another vehicle, moving very fast. I don’t know how we avoided an accident but I had to brake hard and did not skid. When I got home I noticed that my ring from Master Ohr had broken all the way through the back of it. There is a belief that if you have been saved from a serious event a ring or bracelet or amulet will break. I believe that I was saved from a terrible accident. I have kept the pieces until I can replace it with a new amulet ring from Master Ohr.

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