We have a combined 80 years of experienced Masters who explain and help us to translate the Sak Thai Kata Yant designs. The simplest explanation we find is the best answer.
Thai Amulet Monk luang Phor Supha
Thai Amulet Monk luang Phor Supha

Thai Amulet Monk luang Phor Supha was born on September 17th in 1896 in Sakon Nakhon province. When he was a young child, a monk visited his village and predicted that Luang Phor Supha would end up becoming an important figure in Buddhism. This came as quite a surprise to his parents who had not begun to consider what path their child would take.
Luang Phor Supha’s interest in Buddhism came when he was just seven years old, and his father took him to visit the local temple. Luang Phor Supha showed great interest and was immediately drawn into Buddhism. In two years, Luang Phor Supha decided to devote his life to Buddhism and he became a novice monk in the Ratchathani temple.
Supha stayed at the temple until he was 16 years old. While he was there, he studied carefully and was able to retain the texts and facts of Buddhism and at an astonishing rate. He studied under Prah Ma Ha-La. When he was 16 years old he was asked to choose between becoming a Buddhist theologian or studying meditation and devoting himself to the precepts of the religion. Supha considered this question carefully before deciding to devote himself to the precepts.
Before he became a true monk, Luang Phor Supha endured the traditional jungle-journey called a tudang. He survived off leaves and sheer determination, crossing rives and villages all the way into Laos. After this journey, he has ordained a monk in 1917.
Luang Phor Suhpa is well known for created 39 temples in Thailand. He lived to be 118 years old – a few he attributed to eating less, speaking less, and only speaking the truth. LP Suph built 39 temples in Thailand and was well respected for his generosity and commitment to the Buddhist way of life. He was known for only eating 9 spoons full of food at each meal in accordance with avoiding earthly pleasure.
His amulets are touted as being one of the most powerful available today. They are said to offer protection as well as bring good luck to those who wear it. One of the most well-known stories involving one of Supha’s amulets involves a shopkeeper who worked in an area known for robberies. One night while the man was closing his shop, he was attacked by a knife-wielding robber. The robber struck the man in the chest. Although the man’s shirt was cut open, the robber ran away when he realized that the knife did not penetrate the man’s skin. The shopkeeper attributes this to the amulet he was wearing.
Professional Sak Yant Masters and Tattoo Artists
Our Sak Yant Thai Tattoo Masters have done their time as disciples and trained for many years. They are fully qualified Sak Yant masters and trained by Grand Masters. Our masters are certified by the Thai government as genuine masters.
5 Stars Services
We give the best experience that can be given, right from the time we reply to your inquiry to getting the best tattoo and blessing done. Then you can give a review of the experience.
Clean Sterilize Equipment
New needles every time and ink imported from the USA. We are one of the cleanest studios in the world. The Studio is certified to the highest hygiene by the government. Inspected and licensed to operate a tattoo studio. All artists/masters are tested every year for blood diseases. We are as good as western standards or better.
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