Thai Tattoo Thailand
Original Thai Tattoo Thailand.
Below Senior Master Ajarn Aut

Thai Tattoo Thailand, Many websites have information about this, and everyone says that they are the best or original. That is not always true. (do your research and find out) We have worked with a lot of masters, and know who is original and true. To start with Ajarn Noo is the number one master at present, We have worked with him for about 15 years. The second master is Ajarn Ohr and he is at the same level as Ajarn Noo or better. We have worked with him for 10 years or so. Ajarn Noo is retiring and will only take bookings when required. The only master who can take over is Grand Master Ajarn Ohr. Ajarn Ohr has the most amazing place for Thai Tattoo Thailand. They both live outside of Bangkok.
If you want to have experience in and around Bangkok, then the best and proven, qualified, and more important is lineage. Their history of being in the system from being a disciple to a Senior Sak Yant Master Ajarns. They are part of the same family as Sak Yant Masters.
Senior Masters Ajarn Aut and Ajarn Sak, who work at Thai Tattoo Yant Temple and have 5-star Google reviews. They are the top two Masters in Bangkok.

Yant Hah Taew, 5 Lines of Kata Yants
Yant Hah Taew, 5 Lines of Kata Yants
The renowned Yant Hah Taew is one of the most popular Sak Yant tattoos in both Thailand and beyond. Yant Hah Taew provides life sustenance, good luck, good fortune, wealth, attraction, charisma, success, and the warding off of evil. No wonder it is so popular!
Thai Tattoo History and the Khmer Empire
The Khmer Empire was created about 1,200 years ago and lasted for about 600 years and then collapsed in CE 1430. As you can see from the map below, Khmer Empire was mainly Thailand.

Tattooing has been around for a long time, Tens of thousands of years. The first recorded tattoo is on a mummy at about 5,500 years old and then the IceMan at 5,300 years old with 61 tattoos. Amazing. Tattoos were very popular back then, with a world population of 40 million. Nearly all people were decorated, one way or another, as they are today. Below Iceman two lines around his wrist, good parallel hand poke lines.

Symbols are created and there is always meaning behind them. Ruesi, Larsi, Sharmans, leaders and teachers. The village and tribe leaders used symbols, back then as a way to pass on knowledge, and a way, to live a good life. This is how Thai Tattoos started.

Going to war is not easy. Taking part in a battle is scary. So the Ruesi masters would tattoo the soldier, for courage, protection, long life, and the ability to succeed and win. There have always been wars in the entire history of humans.
Even in quiet times between wars, people, still want protection, long life, to win, virility, and make babies. That’s why you see a lot about children in Sak Yant, It’s about family.
You can see below, just at the entrance to the Sam Nak Thai Tattoo temple, toys, are displayed and not to play with. They are symbols of a good and healthy family life.

What people tend to do is attach things to the countries, as we know them now. Back then, there were none of these countries in this area (south East Asia). China, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Burma, Nepal, India, etc. There were many kings with their own areas and battles had gone on for thousands of years, to gain land. Bangkok is the capital today, the capital was originally over the other side of the river and was known as Ayutthaya, a trading city. The people of Burma as known today, attacked Ayutthaya many times over 200 years. So, it was abandoned for Bangkok and put the river between them.
Thai Tattoo Kata Yant Language and Sanskrit History
A lot of people think that Sak Yant Thai Tattoos started in Cambodia because the text they use is Sanskrit. Sanskrit is a very old written language, about 3,500 years or so, and spread from the North Western continent to South East Asia. Same as the Roman written text spread to the western continents. As the text spread across different continents, the language changed, i.e., German, English, French, Europe, etc., and the same for India, Thai, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, etc. as we know them today. When the Khmer Empire collapse it was separated into different countries by the French monarchy at that time. Same as the British monarchy split and made India and Pakistan etc. At first, when the Khmer Empire collapsed, Thailand as we know it to date, was called Siam. The king at this time decided to change the written text from Khmer Sanskrit to the Thai script. Wow, this is a complicated language. The hardest language to learn, Google Translate still struggles with it. As for why Thai Tattoo Sak Yants still use this old Sanskrit text, is because Sak Yant Ruesi masters carried on using it. Because of the magical white powers used in chanting. The language is called Katta which has nothing to do with Cambodia as many people believe. It’s a different language. They cannot read it the same as I cannot read French, German, etc. It is mostly a forgotten language, in fact, Yants do not say anything nowadays. It’s a yant/chant, white magical sound. You will see many masters, who are not true masters, just copy the text. A true master will write his own mantra, Yant, as our Masters do.
white magical chants, in Thailand, they use the term 108, which means many times or lots. A chant is done lots of times by a Master and while they do the chanting, they think about what white magic they can put into the chant. Like protection and good luck etc. The oldest Sak Yant design that I know of is, about 500 years. It is a big square Yant and has over 300 Yants in it. That is truly amazing but only the original master who created it, knows the Yants.

Chad Petch, 5 lines, Diamond Net Umbrella Armour/Shield Protection
Sak Yant Thai Tattoo Grouping
Awk Seuk
Chana Satru
The ability to defeat the enemy. Muay Thai fighters like this.
Choke Lap
The meaning is to bring luck and Fortune. It brings one fortuitous result, in things such as a promotion in one’s workplace, winning lotteries, and achieving higher social standing.
Jang Ngang
This provides the ability to stun the target and render a state of paralysis and inability to react.
Kong Grapan Chatri
This signifies someone is not only invaluable but priceless.
Kong Kra Phan
This will provide Magical protection and invincibility.
Klaew Klaad, Klaeoklad
This benefit ensures that the wearer will not suffer serious injury. The design confers protection from deadly accidents and danger.
Maha Amnaj Maha
The meaning is to be great or large. Amnaj equals power, authority, and the ability to be able to inspire respect and at the same time, fear.
Maha Amnat
Ma Hah Lap
This will bring great good fortune and luck.
Metta Mahaniyom
With this blessing, you will be treated by others with great loving kindness and compassion which will improve your popularity and help you to gain preferential treatment.
Maha Sanae, Ma Hah Saneh
This will give you charm and increase your popularity and attractiveness with the opposite sex.
Nah Tee Gan Ngan Dee
This benefit will help you to improve your circumstances at work.
Noon Chataa
This benefit will improve your destiny, fate
This will ensure that in whatever enterprise or business activities the wearer is involved in they will have the ability to do the work correctly and ensures that everything will run smoothly.
Pong Gan Antarai
Traditional Hand Poke or Machine Sak Yant tattoos?
Traditional Hand Poke Sak Yant Thai Tattoos
Should be done by the stick, Sak, which means to poke and originally done with a sharp piece of bamboo and charcoal water ink. Over the years, sharp metal replaced the bamboo. At first, needles were attached to a bamboo and then the bamboo was replaced all together by stainless steel rods. That’s for hygiene and accuracy and quality of the designs. Practically all masters will only bless and activate hand poke designs. Unfortunately, there are a small number who will bless anything, thus deeming it as not original.
Machine Sak Yant tattoos
Which of Thai Sak Yant Tattoo Masters are real or fake?
That’s a hard one to say. I have worked over the years with many different levels of artists and masters who perform these designs. You have those who do not pretend to be a master, but do the designs purely for beauty (aesthetics). When I first started, I worked with masters who really knew very little about Yants, which in itself was not a bad thing due to them being autodidactic who wished to learn and increase their knowledge and skills because they never had the opportunity in their past to learn from an experienced master. The best masters are trained by those whom are the most proficient and I have worked with most of these top masters in and around the Bangkok area of the Holy Wat Bang Phra Temple. This place was a training temple for Sak Yants until the monks were banned by the Thai government from doing them. Many of the monks at Wat Bang Phra temple decided to refrain from being a monk and went on to become Sak Yant Masters and a number of them are still doing them.
Saying that, it is difficult to recommend this temple because:
A – You don’t know who is going to do the designs
B – You may get a design by a trainee and thus not so experienced.
This in itself is one of the major reasons why you should get a Sacred Sak Yant tattoo from an experienced master, like the ones we have or work with.
Original Sak Yant Tradition Thai Tattoo Designs.
Which Sak Yant Master should I visit to get a Thai Tattoo?
Ajarn Masters
There are many masters around Thailand and it will all depend on who you wish to have yours done by. In Thailand there are only two Grand masters who are recognized by the TV companies and the government as genuine Grand masters and who can provide answers to all Sak Yants Thai Tattoos.
Those two top Grand Masters are: